South Dakota

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The regular meeting of the City of Scotland was called to order by Mayor Curtis Hofer at 5:02pm on Monday, July 10, 2017. The following council members answered to roll call Joe Bouza, Randy Thum, Sean Barrett, and Tim Asche.  Those council members absent were H. Victor Settje and Ron Dvorak. Others present were Finance Officer Tanya Bult, City Maintenance Employees Bob Green and Ray Beecher, Chief of Police Kirk McCormick, Duane Hochstein, Peggy Schelske, Jody Haase, and Polly Smith.  The minutes of last month’s meeting was approved upon a motion made by Asche, second by Barrett. All voted in favor. Motion carried.

Finance Officer’s Report - In June twenty-eight notices of intent to disconnect service letters were mailed out with none being disconnected. Water percentage loss for June was 3%. June Building Permits: Jacob Monclova, Fence and Remodel; Tom Thomson, Remodel; Mark Sedlacek, Steel Roof; Ryan Kocourek, Remove Cement Slab and Replace Skirting. Brosz Engineering stopped by the office to discuss new upcoming challenges regarding wastewater collection and treatment.  They also discussed a few unique approaches the city could consider looking into. The bills were presented and a motion was made by Barrett, second by Thum to approve the bills.  All voted in favor. Motion carried.

City Bills Presented By:
AFLAC     Employee Insurance     $373.51
AMAZON     Library Books     $158.27
ARAMARK     CareGuard Mats: June     $25.00
AUCH PLUMBING     Swimming Pool     $1,063.75
B-Y WATER DISTRICT     8,435,000 Gallons     $26,265.50
BRODART CO.     Library Supplies     $19.19
BROWN & SAENGER     Utility Billing Cards     $290.00
CENTRAL FARMERS COOP     Post Clips, 2x12x16, Diesel     $145.54
CHASE PEST SERVICE     Pest Control: City Hall & Fire Hall     $120.00
CITY EMPLOYEE WAGES     Ball Coaches     $2,969.10
CITY EMPLOYEE WAGES     Finance Office     $2,419.45
CITY EMPLOYEE WAGES     Library     $1,087.76
CITY EMPLOYEE WAGES     Lifeguards     $1,334.77
CITY EMPLOYEE WAGES     Police     $3,299.99
CITY EMPLOYEE WAGES     Rubble Site     $479.29
CITY EMPLOYEE WAGES     Sewer     $1,552.73
CITY EMPLOYEE WAGES     Streets     $2,118.94
CITY EMPLOYEE WAGES     Summer Maintenance     $2,064.74
CITY OF SCOTLAND     Water Refund: K. Kopejtka, A. Martin     $104.39
CONNECTING POINTS     Support Contract July 2017-June 2018     $1,297.00
DAKOTA SUPPLY GROUP     Water Supplies     $1,564.06
DEMCO     Library Supplies     $136.05
ECONO SIGNS     Pool: Video Surveillance     $94.07
GOLDEN WEST COMMUNICATIONS     Phone, Internet, and Fax     $641.68
HAWKINS, INC     Chemicals     $1,576.14
IN THE SWIM     Pool Supplies     $342.89
IRS     Employee Withholding     $4,858.94
KAISER APPLIANCE     2-Cycle Mix & Trimmer String     $109.96
KARLA KOPEJTKA     Water Deposit Refund     $45.61
KENT LEHR     Attorney Fees: May/June     $253.80
KIRK MCCORMICK     Reimbursement: Cell Phone     $50.00
MAIN STOP     Gasoline     $524.13
MYERS SANITATION     Residential Garbage Service     $4,851.25
NORTHWESTERN ENERGY     Electricity / Natural Gas     $5,597.20
P J ENTERPRISES     Repair Wall @ City Hall     $672.56
PITNEY BOWES LLC     Postage Machine Lease     $194.10
PURCHASE POWER     Postage     $604.50
RAMKOTA HOTEL - PIERRE     Finance Officer School     $293.97
RETTEDAL'S     Rocky Boots & Lifeguard T-shirts      $217.50
SCHUURMANS FARM SUPPLY     Service SCAG & Hustler     $2,636.16
SCOTLAND HARDWARE     Repairs/Maint & Supplies     $247.03
SCOTLAND JOURNAL     Notices & Ads     $293.28
SCOTLAND OIL CO     Gasoline & Diesel     $313.72
SCOTLAND SCHOOL     City 1/2 Wood Chips     $1,522.50
SCOTTIE STOP     Gasoline & Diesel     $207.08
SD DENR     Drinking Water Fee     $380.00
SD DEPT OF REVENUE - SALES TAX     Sales Tax - Garbage & Camping     $741.34
SD DEPT OF REVENUE - WATER SAMPLE     Samples - Water  & Sewer     $262.00
SD ONE CALL     Line Locates - April     $210.56
SD RETIREMENT     Employee Retirement     $1,623.29
SUPPLEMENTAL RETIREMENT     Supplemental Employee Retirement     $680.00
TANYA BULT     Reimburse: Mileage & Pool Supplies     $229.13
US BANK     Clean Water #1     $4,358.43
US BANK     Clean Water #2     $10,523.60
US BANK     Drinking Water #1     $2,791.53
US POSTAL SERVICE     Library Box Rental     $56.00
VERIZON     Police Mobile Broadband     $40.01
WELLMARK BLUECROSS BLUESHIELD     Employee Health Insurance     $2,779.92
YANKTON JANITORIAL SUPPLY     Bathroom Supplies     $368.30

Ambulance Bills Presented By:
AMBILL ASSOC     Claims: April (12 )     $210.00
AMBULANCE WAGES     On Call / Trips     $609.50
IRS     Employee Withholding     $101.00
JIM MARUSKA     Meal Reimbursement     $14.38
MATHESON TRIGAS     Oxygen     $56.15
SCOTLAND HARDWARE     Supplies     $26.99
YANKTON AREA EMS     EMS Class/Books     $4,265.00

S.A.A. Bills Presented By:
FLOWERS & MORE     Plant - Keppen Service     $44.25
HARVE'S SPORT SHOP     Supplies     $970.48
MAIN STOP     Gasoline     $5.00
NORTHWESTERN ENERGY     Electric     $219.34
RETTEDAL'S DEPT STORE     Teener      $480.00
SCOTLAND HARDWARE     Supplies     $21.48
WYATT ADAM     Umping - Teener Games     $980.00

Chief of Police - Traffic Enforcement - Speed: 1. Responded to - Agency Assist: 3; Animal: 1; Theft: 2; Trespass: 1; Property Security: 1; Crash: 1; Misc: 10. Reports - Property Abatements: 2; Trespass: 1; Crash: 1. Arrests - Trespass: 1. Code Enforcement - Opened: 9. Closed: 6. Other – Ice Cream Program; Legal Update Training; Fingerprints - 1.

City Maintenance Employee Report - Problem with lift station by Green’s house. Topkote plans to start chip sealing July 13th. Roads to be chip sealed this year are from First Street to Fourth Street and from Main Street south.  Due to Mitchell not getting patch mix in, the guys will be going to Yankton to get hot mix to repair the pot holes prior to chip sealing.

Public Concerns:
Polly Smith spoke on behalf of the Economic Development. Plans are in the works to start a 7-9 person task force to discuss goals of where the City of Scotland wants to be in 1 year… 5 years… 10 years. After the task force meets they plan to hold a town public meeting to get input from residents of all ages.

Peggy Schelske requested Main Street to be closed off Saturday of Rodeo weekend. Approval was given to allow one block of Main Street from First Street to Second Street to be closed off for the events downtown on Saturday, August 12th during Rodeo weekend.

Land Acquisition Update - John Miller from DENR Surface Water Quality Program states that it appears to contain a large wetland. Leslie Murphy from SD Department Game, Fish and Parks recommends complete avoidance of these wetlands. Scott Larson from US Department of the Interior-Fish and Wildlife Service has reviewed the request and has no objection to the proposed project. Will follow-up with DENR to see if we could work with a certain feet boundary around this wetland area.

Daily Malt Beverage Permit Request - Duane Hochstein on behalf of the Athletic Association requested a special event daily malt beverage license for Friday, August 11, 2017 starting at 6pm for a bean bag tournament fundraiser being held at the amateur/teener baseball field. All proceeds will be put back into the amateur/teener complex for updates and repairs. A motion was made by Thum, second by Asche to approve the Special Event Daily Malt Beverage License request. All voted in favor. Motion carried.

Recreation Bar requested a daily malt beverage license for Saturday, August 12, 2017 for the Rodeo dance being held on Main Street. A motion was made by Bouza, second by Thum to approve the Daily Malt Beverage License request. All voted in favor. Motion carried.

Scotland Rodeo Club requested a daily malt beverage license for Saturday, August 12 and Sunday, August 13, 2017 for the Scottie Stampede Rodeo being held at the Rodeo grounds. A motion was made by Thum, second by Asche to approve the Daily Malt Beverage License request. All voted in favor. Motion carried.

Set meeting date for Budget Meeting - The budget meeting will be on Monday, July 31, 2017 at 9:00am.

Set meeting date for the August Meeting - The August council meeting will be on Monday, August 7, 2017 at 5:00pm.

A motion was made by Asche, second by Thum to enter into executive session at 5:51pm for Personnel as per SDCL 1-25-2 Sub (1). All voted in favor.  Motion carried.

A motion was made by Thum, second by Asche to come out of executive session at 6:01pm with the following actions taken. All voted in favor. Motion carried.

A motion was made by Barrett, second by Asche to apply work comp wages towards a 40 hour week pay check for Ray Beecher if knee surgery is required. All voted in favor. Motion carried. It was also approved to start advertising for a Maintenance/Certified Water-Sewer Operator (full-time) as Beecher plans to retire in December of this year.

With no further business to discuss a motion was made by Thum, second by Asche to adjourn the meeting at 6:03pm. All voted in favor. Motion carried.

                                                                                                                Curtis Hofer, Mayor       

                   Tanya Bult, Finance Officer