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The Library Board meeting was called to order by President Kristyn Walloch at 7:01pm on Monday, August 26, 2024. The following board members were present Damon Mogck, Dennis Bietz, Dean Rettedal, Kim Abbink and Becca Vitek. Others present were Billie Jo Hays and Tanya Bult.

A motion was made by Rettedal, second by Vitek to approve the May 20th meeting minutes. All voted in favor. Motion carried.

Statistics - Summer monthly statistics were reviewed as well as the summer reading program statistics.

Treasurer Report - Current balance $7,696.40. The library board memorial fund will be reimbursing the city $50 for memorial books purchased in memory of Gary Pepper.

Library Board Updates - No library board updates at this time.

City Library Director Updates - No city library updates at this time.

School Librarian Updates - No school librarian updates at this time.

Library Furniture - The tables and chairs in the library are getting very wobbly and can’t be tightened any further. A suggestion was to get prices and possibly purchase new furniture in a year or two.

School Library Hours - Last meeting it was stated that public hours during the school day would be discussed once class schedules were set and school had started. At this time, the board didn’t have Sandy’s schedule but the general consensus was to try to have eight hours that are open to the public during the school day per week. 

Share-It Postage fees - A motion was made by Vitek, second by Rettedal to allow one postage free share-it interlibrary loan request per calendar year. Any additional share-it interlibrary loan requests will be charged the postage fee. All voted in favor. Motion carried.

Public Concerns - No public concerns at this time.

Next meeting date is set for Monday, November 25, 2024 at 7pm.

With no further business to discuss a motion was made by Mogck, second by Bietz to adjourn the meeting at 7:44pm. All voted in favor. Motion carried.
ATTEST:                                                                                       SCOTLAND COMMUNITY LIBRARY

______________________________                                        ______________________________
Tanya Bult, City Library Director                                                 Kristyn Walloch, President