Chapter 11.04     Storage of Garbage and Rubbish

11.0401     Refuse Containers for Residences, Duty to Provide

Replaced by 11.07

11.0402     Refuse Containers for Business Places, Duty to Provide

Replaced by 11.07

11.0403     Duty to Place Refuse in Containers

Replaced by 11.07

11.0404     Regulations as to Use of Garbage Containers

Replaced by 11.07

11.0405     Tree Limbs or Scrap Lumber

All ordinary Accumulations of rubbish such as tree limbs or scrap lumber which cannot be conveniently placed in the containers required under this chapter, shall be gathered together, tied or stacked into compact bundles, by the premise occupant, and placed in a location easily accessible to the collector.  A reasonable amount of material such as scrap lumber and firewood may be stored on the premises, but it shall be packed and stacked 18 inches above the ground.

11.0406     Ashes

Ashes and other refuse must be placed in containers having a capacity not to exceed ten (10) gallons, but need not have covers.



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