South Dakota

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The regular meeting of the City of Scotland was called to order by Mayor Curtis Hofer at 5:00pm on Monday, October 11, 2021. The following council members answered to roll call Randy Abbink, Tim Asche, Jerry Nelson, Dennis Bietz and Sean Barrett (5:03pm). Those council members absent were Randy Thum. Others present were Finance Officer Tanya Bult, City Maintenance Chris Simantel, Kirk Breisch, Patty Diede, Mike Dangel, Jim Maruska, Kelli King and Peggy Schelske.

A motion was made by Bietz, second by Nelson to approve the agenda. All voted in favor. Motion carried.

A motion was made by Abbink, second by Asche to approve the minutes of last month’s regular meeting. All voted in favor. Motion carried.

A motion was made by Bietz, second by Asche to approve the bills. All voted in favor. Motion carried.

City Bills Presented By:
AFLAC     Employee Insurance     $222.88
AMAZON     Library Supplies     $197.71
AUCH PLUMBING     Repair Water Leak - 240 Stafford St     $650.76
B-Y WATER DISTRICT     7,624,000 Gallons     $23,751.40
CENTRAL FARMERS COOP     Gasoline, Diesel     $203.90
CENTRAL STATES LAB     Sanitizer Cleaner     $1,250.95
CHASE PEST SERVICE     Pest Control: City Hall, Fire Hall     $120.00
CITY OF SCOTLAND     Water Deposit: Rothschadl, Neugebauer     $175.00
CITY EMPLOYEE WAGES     Finance Officer      $2,398.55
CITY EMPLOYEE WAGES     Library      $812.79
CITY EMPLOYEE WAGES     Lifeguards     $2,461.30
CITY EMPLOYEE WAGES     Police      $340.95
CITY EMPLOYEE WAGES     Rubble Site     $526.39
CITY EMPLOYEE WAGES     Streets     $2,406.23
CITY EMPLOYEE WAGES     Sewer     $954.61
CITY EMPLOYEE WAGES     Summer Maint     $1,443.44
CONCRETE MATERIALS     Asphalt, Glue for Pillars     $7,012.56
CONNECTING POINTS     Nova Backup 1yr     $30.00
DAKOTA DATA SHRED     Equipment Rental     $16.00
FARMERS & MERCHANTS STATE BANK     Auto Pay Fees - September     $22.91
FERGUSON WATERWORKS     Water Meter Project - Pay #3     $20,362.50
GOLDEN WEST COMMUNICATIONS     Phone, Internet, Fax     $529.53
IRS     Employee Withholding     $2,713.88
KAY PARK RECREATION     Bleacher w/ 27' Plank     $2,857.00
KENT LEHR     Attorney Fees     $150.00
MAIN STOP     Gasoline     $338.83
MYERS SANITATION     Residential Garbage Service     $5,507.35
NORTHWESTERN ENERGY     Electricity, Natural Gas     $5,531.14
PITNEY BOWES LLC     Postage Machine Lease     $167.34
PURCHASE POWER     Postage     $604.50
SCHUURMANS FARM SUPPLY     Blades     $165.01
SCOTLAND HARDWARE     Repairs, Maint, Supplies     $599.00
SCOTLAND JOURNAL     Notices, Ads     $420.41
SCOTLAND OIL     Diesel, Gasoline     $593.02
SD ASSOC OF RURAL WATER     Annual Dues - Class B Member     $500.00
SD DEPT OF REVENUE     Sales Tax: Camping, Garbage     $476.82
SD DEPT OF REVENUE     Samples: Water     $15.00
SD ONE CALL     Line Locates - August     $14.56
SD RETIREMENT     Employee Retirement     $691.20
TAYLOR GERDDES     Police - Dance Event     $150.00
TYNDALL NAPA     Sewer Filters     $37.88
US BANK TRUST     Drinking Water #1     $2,791.53
US BANK TRUST     Clean Water #2     $10,523.60
VAN DIEST SUPPLY COMPANY     Anvil, Altosid Briquets     $1,634.25

VERIZON     Broadband: Police, Water     $80.14
VISION SERVICE PLAN     Employee Vision Insurance     $17.42
WELLMARK BLUECROSS BLUESHIELD     Employee Health Insurance     $1,156.78
YANKTON PRESS & DAKOTAN     Help Wanted Ad - Police, Maint     $550.52

Ambulance Bills Presented By:
AMBILL ASSOCIATES     Claims - (2)     $70.00
AMBULANCE WAGES     On Call / Trips     $480.22
CASH SMART     Supplies     $135.17
IRS     Employee Withholding     $79.56

Finance Officer’s Report - In September, 32 notices of intent to disconnect service letters were mailed with two being disconnected. All services have been restored. Jim Sedlacek would like to volunteer to paint the fire hydrants if the city would supply the paint. Sedlacek would also like to power wash some of the stones at the cemetery to clean them up.

City Maintenance Report - South lift station pump needs repair. We do have a spare pump on hand. Formed concrete pad for the new bleachers at small ballfield. Starting on the cemetery pillars and fence. Mens bathroom at camp pad is locked due to being damaged.

Public Concerns:
Kirk Breisch - Requested the council to start cleanup efforts at his neighbor’s property.

Mike Dangel - Fire pit concerns with neighbors having had some large fires.

Jim Maruska - Drainage on Stafford Street.

Council Concerns/Committee Reports:
Abbink - None
Asche - Dogs at large in his neighborhood.
Nelson - None
Bietz - None
Barrett - Korb Street needs gravel.
Hofer - Thin out trees at park

Variance Hearing - Kelli King is requesting to have a storage business with 8x20 storage containers upon the property located at 950 Conklin Street. King is requesting a variance to conduct such business, the same being a commercial use within a residential use district. Residents in attendance spoke why they thought such special exception should not be granted. A motion was made by Bietz, second by Abbink to deny the commercial use variance and leave property as residential. Abbink, Nelson, Bietz, Barrett voting aye. Asche voting nay. Motion carried.

Cemetery Update - Two pillars have been installed and getting ready to set poles. The evergreen tree in the corner needs to be trimmed up.

Baseball Field Visitor Bleacher - Considering all options, Bult will contact Keppen from the Athletic Association.

Railroad Culvert Drainage - Culvert under the railroad is cleaned out. Discussion was held regarding Stafford and Main Street drainage. The council would be willing to install culverts however the cost of the culverts would be the landowners responsibility.

Water Meter Update - Per the contract, (14) 1” meters were ordered, as of 9/24 all 14 have been installed. More will need to be ordered but we will wait until the end of the project to do so, so that we can make sure everything is accounted for and our total quantities needed are correct. As soon as we get the final order, Ferguson will set up several days to complete any remaining installs.

Cannabis Ordinance - A motion was made by Abbink, second by Asche to approve the first reading of ordinance 2021-4, an ordinance creating licensing provisions for cannabis establishments. All voted in favor. Motion carried.

Library Resignation - A motion was made by Barrett, second by Abbink to approve Michelle Kass resignation effective immediately. All voted in favor. Motion carried.

Set meeting date for the November Meeting - The meeting will be on Monday, November 8, 2021 at 5:00pm.

A motion was made by Bietz, second by Asche to enter into executive session at 6:07pm for Personnel as per SDCL 1-25-2 Sub (1). All voted in favor.  Motion carried.

A motion was made by Asche, second by Barrett to come out of executive session at 6:53pm with the following action taken. All voted in favor. Motion carried.

A motion was made by Abbink, second by Bietz to hire Julia Dangel as a library assistant at $10.25 per hour. All voted in favor. Motion carried.

A motion was made by Bietz, second by Asche to appoint Tanya Bult as Interim Library Director. All voted in favor. Motion carried.

With no further business to discuss a motion was made by Asche, second by Abbink to adjourn the meeting at 6:55pm. All voted in favor. Motion carried.
ATTEST:                                                                                              CITY OF SCOTLAND, SOUTH DAKOTA

______________________________                                                ______________________________
Tanya Bult, Finance Officer                                                                 Curtis Hofer, Mayor