South Dakota

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The regular meeting of the City of Scotland was called to order by Mayor Curtis Hofer at 5:00pm on Monday, September 11, 2017. The following council members answered to roll call Joe Bouza, Randy Thum, H. Victor Settje, Ron Dvorak, Sean Barrett, and Tim Asche.  Others present were Finance Officer Tanya Bult, City Maintenance Employees Bob Green and Ray Beecher, Chief of Police Kirk McCormick, Melissa Gale, Peggy Schelske, Greg Atkinson, Jessica Atkinson, and Duane Hochstein.  

A motion was mad by Thum, second by Asche to approve the agenda. All voted in favor. Motion carried.

A motion was made by Dvorak, second by Thum to approve the minutes of last month’s meeting. All voted in favor. Motion carried.

The bills were presented and a motion was made by Barrett, second by Dvorak to approve the bills.  All voted in favor. Motion carried.

City Bills Presented By:
AFLAC     Employee Insurance     $373.51
AMAZON     Library Supplies     $408.07
ARAMARK     CareGuard Mats: August     $50.00
B-Y WATER DISTRICT     8,070,000 Gallons     $25,134.00
BENDERS     Clean & Video Inspect     $7,896.00
CENTRAL FARMERS COOP     Diesel, Tire Repair     $321.38
CHASE PEST SERVICE     Pest Control: City Hall, Fire Hall     $120.00
CITY EMPLOYEE WAGES     Finance Office     $1,998.13
CITY EMPLOYEE WAGES     Library     $871.16
CITY EMPLOYEE WAGES     Lifeguards     $762.75
CITY EMPLOYEE WAGES     Police     $2,525.03
CITY EMPLOYEE WAGES     Rubble Site     $479.30
CITY EMPLOYEE WAGES     Sewer     $1,445.43
CITY EMPLOYEE WAGES     Streets     $1,943.82
CITY EMPLOYEE WAGES     Summer Maintenance     $539.46
CITY OF SCOTLAND     Water Refund: Widicker, Clute, Jacs on Main     $263.55
DAKOTA PUMP INC     Pump Repair     $2,539.75
EISLEY SAYLER     Lifeguard Certification Reimbursement     $74.20
ELDORA BAUMILLER     Water Deposit Refund     $50.00
GOLDEN WEST COMMUNICATIONS     Phone, Internet, and Fax     $536.38
HAILEY FERGEN     Lifeguard Certification Reimbursement     $74.20
IRS     Employee Withholding     $3,102.78
JACOB HERTZ     Lifeguard Certification Reimbursement     $37.50
KIMBERLY WIDICKER     Water Deposit Refund     $36.45
KIRK MCCORMICK     Reimburse: Cell Phone & Supplies     $195.07
MAIN STOP     Gasoline     $325.73
MC&R POOLS INC     Sensors     $770.67
MICHELLS KASS     Reimburse: SRP Supplies     $543.57
MYERS SANITATION     Residential Garbage Service     $4,881.75
MYERS SANITATION     3 City Dumpsters: July, Aug, Sept     $210.00
NORTHWESTERN ENERGY     Electricity / Natural Gas     $5,041.90
NORTHERN MATERIALS LLC     Crushed Concrete - 775 ton     $6,393.75
ONE OFFICE     Police Supplies     $24.56
PAIGE HECKENLAIBLE     Lifeguard Certification Reimbursement     $95.93
SCOTLAND HARDWARE     Repairs/Maint & Supplies     $117.30
SCOTLAND JOURNAL     Notices & Ads     $412.91
SCOTLAND OIL CO     Gasoline, Diesel, Tires     $1,001.16
SCOTTIE STOP     Gasoline     $348.31
SD DEPT OF REVENUE - SALES TAX     Sales Tax - Garbage, Camping, Pool     $410.47
SD DEPT OF REVENUE - WATER SAMPLE     Samples - Water      $15.00
SD RETIREMENT     Employee Retirement     $1,555.16
SUPPLEMENTAL RETIREMENT     Supplemental Employee Retirement     $680.00
TARA SPENCER     Lifeguard Certification Reimbursement     $74.20
TATE REINER     Lifeguard Certification Reimbursement     $107.50
VERIZON     Police Mobile Broadband     $40.01
WELLMARK BLUECROSS BLUESHIELD     Employee Health Insurance     $2,780.00

Ambulance Bills Presented By:
AMBILL ASSOC     Claims: 10     $350.00
AMBULANCE WAGES     On Call / Trips     $589.20
BOB'S CANDY     Parade Candy     $58.58
INK SPOT     Pens     $337.68
IRS     Employee Withholding     $99.77
SCOTLAND HARDWARE     Supplies     $39.21

S.A.A. Bills Presented By:
DALE WEISS     Entertainment - Bean Bag     $250.00
HARVE'S SPORT SHOP     Supplies     $134.99
NORTHWESTERN ENERGY     Electric     $393.22
RECREATION BAR     Beer - Bean Bag Tourney     $797.15
SCOTLAND JOURNAL     Catfish Days     $290.40
SUN GOLD SPORTS     Teener Tourney Trophies     $83.50

Finance Officer’s Report - In August fifty-two notices of intent to disconnect service letters were mailed out with none being disconnected. Water percentage loss for August was 5%. August Building Permits: Richard Kloucek, Repair, Replace, Remodel; Beverly Ellison, Fence. The 2015-16 audit report was reviewed and accepted by the SD Dept of Legislative Audit. A thank you from Paul Pedersen was read. Drive by radio read water meters were briefly mentioned.

Chief of Police Report - Traffic Enforcement - Speed: 4; Parking: 1; Other: 3. Responded to -Misc: 2; Animal: 12; Medical: 1; Juvenile: 1; Suspicious: 1; Parking: 4; Agency Assist: 2; Welfare Check: 1. Reports - Rape; Misc: 2; Vandalism; Assist Bon Homme County - Aggravated Assault; Reckless Driving/Intentional Property Damage; Speeding - Citizen Complaint; Unlawful Entry of Motor Vehicle - 16 Documented victims. Arrests - None. Code Enforcement - Opened: 2. Closed: 3. Other - Fingerprint school employee: 4; Attended LEPC Meeting; No court date set for white house on highway; One nuisance abatement notice sent; $100 from Modern Woodman for bike helmets.

City Maintenance Employee Report - Storm clean up lasted about a week at the cemetery. Suggested the cemetery committee meet and discuss about a dozen more trees needing to be removed. Pool is closed up for winter. Maguire Iron is here currently sand blasting the water tower with hopes to spray the liner on Wednesday. The liner has a recommended 72 hour cure time.

Council Concerns/Committee Reports:
Bouza - Increased numbers of cats running at large with no city tags.
Thum - None
Settje - Unlawful entry into residents vehicles.
Dvorak - None
Barrett - None
Asche - None

2018 Appropriation Ordinance - The second reading of the 2018 Appropriations Ordinance #2017-03 was completed and approved by a motion made by Thum, second by Dvorak. All voted in favor. Motion carried.

Land Acquisition - A motion was made by Barrett, second by Settje to purchase land (STAFF 2ND W-LOT 13 BLK 5) from Dick Behl/Farmers & Merchants State Bank for $1. This land will be used for storage purposes to include but not limited to snow removal from main street. All voted in favor. Motion carried.

Prescription Drug Take Back Program -Melissa Gale, Administrator at LJMH spoke about a prescription drug take back program they would like to team up with the City and Bon Homme County. The question that gets asked so often is what can I do with unused prescriptions. Statistics were given about improper disposal and misuse. There are two options for the consumer drug take back program. Option 1: $135 per month including receptacle and supplies for monthly returns. Option 2: $90 per month including receptacle and supplies for monthly return and advertising opportunities. It was decided to table the topic to next months meeting.

Greg Atkinson spoke to the council about a sewer backup he had in May and asked them to reconsider the denied claim. In May Atkinson plumber attempted three times to clear the blockage with no success. Auch plumbing was then called to jet the sewer lines which was successful. Auch plumbing submitted a bill to the city in the amount of $663 for jetting the city main plus rod sewer (cable machine of Lieble) which the city paid. Atkinson submitted a claim from intek in the amount of $266.25 and for the new flooring in the amount of $197.86 to the city insurance. After an investigation the city insurance denied the claim. A motion was made by Settje to pay the Atkinson’s $463 for their loss. Failed for a lack of a second. It was decided to table the request to next months meeting to give the city time to visit with the claims representative.

Athletic Association - A motion was made by Thum, second by Asche to allow the athletic association to complete some improvements at the amateur baseball field at the associations expense. They are considering a new concession/announcers stand and placing additional agri lime on the field. All voted in favor. Motion carried. If the city decides to leave the old bathroom building the association would like it for additional storage.

Paved Road Signing Project -A motion was by Barrett, second by Asche to approve the city participation in the region paved road signing project and authorizes the mayor to sign the agreement. Financial responsibility is 100% paid by the state with federal section 154/164 funds. Yay: Bouza, Thum, Dvorak, Barrett, Asche. Nay: Settje. Motion carried.

Street Crack Seal - A motion was made Dvorak, second by Thum to approve crack sealing at $0.47 per linear foot to Topkote spending no more than $6,000. All voted in favor. Motion carried.

Set meeting date for the October Meeting - The meeting will be on Monday, October 9, 2017 at 5:00pm.

A motion was made by Asche, second by Barrett to enter into executive session at 5:51pm for Personnel as per SDCL 1-25-2 Sub (1). All voted in favor.  Motion carried.

A motion was made by Settje, second by Thum to come out of executive session at 6:18pm with the following actions taken. All voted in favor. Motion carried.

A motion was made by Thum, second by Dvorak to hire Billie Jo Hays as a library assistant at $9.00 per hour. All voted in favor. Motion carried.

A motion was made by Thum, second by Barrett to approve a $1 bonus per hour worked for all lifeguards. All voted in favor. Motion carried.

A motion was made by Asche, second by Settje to approve a $50 bonus for the summer maintenance boys. All voted in favor. Motion carried.

A motion was made by Barrett, second by Settje to hire Jason Alberts as city maintenance at $15.50 per hour. All voted in favor. Motion carried.

With no further business to discuss a motion was made by Dvorak, second by Asche to adjourn the meeting at 6:21pm. All voted in favor. Motion carried. 

                                                                                                                Curtis Hofer, Mayor       

                     Tanya Bult, Finance Officer